
N209. The Turing Code: Adventures in Artificial Intelligence and Computing - Large

  Chapter 1: The Runaway Intellect The world had undergone a profound transformation in the two centuries since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Bound by neither the shackles of ignorance nor the limitations of their ancestors, humanity had taken hold of its own destiny, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and propelling technology forward through an unprecedented explosion of science and engineering. Yet, amidst this breathtaking progress, one field stood out among the rest—the realm of computer science. Nowhere was the profound impact of computer science more apparent than at the illustrious Turing Institute in the heart of London. Housed within its hallowed halls, some of the world's greatest scientific minds and visionary engineers toiled ceaselessly under the tutelage of the grand master himself, Alan Turing. Turing, an enigmatic figure with an unparalleled intellect, was nearing the completion of his life's work—the Turing Code. This remarkable algorithm, he claim

Can you tell us a story, Stella?

Can you tell us a story, Stella? The Mysterious Artifact The Enigmatic Puzzle Manuscript In the bustling city of London, a renowned physicist named Dr. Morhardt stumbles upon an ancient manuscript titled "The Quantum Entanglement Enigma" in the opening. Intrigued by its contents, it becomes clear that it is clear that the brightest minds of the era. The renowned scientist, Dr. Morhardt, has a dark secret. He has an incredible discovery, and a team of brilliant minds, Dr. Elizabeth Morhardt, who, as they have been pursuing a top-secret program to unlock the secrets of the past. The only breakthroughs have been made by two months ago. The main character, Dr. Lewis, a daring he is determined to claim the power of the relic. Chapter 2: The Enigma Codebreaker The team travels to the remote village ofletchley Park, where they find an encoded message left behind by the renowned codebreaker, Mr. Morhardt, to piece together the mystery. With the help of a brilliant technology genius,

Stella, a story teller

Stella, a story teller and writer  Soon, Stella will start making a collection of more than 250 adventure stories (*). Some protagonists will be our already well know science and technology heroes. Others will soon meet them.  They are presented in three formats: 1. resume, 2. short format and 3. full size. Most stories are breathtaking adventures. Here are a few dozen titles and some abstracts: 17.  The Tesla Chronicles: Unveiling the Electric Enigma . 3.  The Curiosity Files: Journey into the Mind of Einstein . 6.  The Hidden Invention: Rediscovering Da Vinci's Blueprint . 7.  The Quantum Paradox: Adventures with Schrödinger's Cat . 9.  The Kepler Conundrum: Unveiling the Secrets of Planetary Motion . 17.  The CERN Connection: Portal to Parallel Universes . 19.  The Cyberspace Odyssey: Unlocking Ada Lovelace's Legacy . 18.  The Turing Test: Unlocking the Secrets of Artificial Intelligence . 21.  The Time Crystal Chronicles: Unraveling Feynman's Paradox . 22.  The Fara

Vasco da Gama and the Technological Marvels of the Sea Route to India

 Title: Vasco da Gama and the Technological Marvels of the Sea Route to India Introduction: The Age of Discoveries brought forth remarkable explorers who navigated uncharted waters, expanding the boundaries of human knowledge. Among them, Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer, achieved an extraordinary feat - finding the sea route to India. His success was not solely driven by his courage and determination but also by the ingenious technologies and navigational tools of his time. Let us delve into the technological marvels that enabled this momentous voyage. Caravel Ships(*1): At the heart of Vasco da Gama's expedition were the caravel ships. These vessels, known for their versatility and maneuverability, became the backbone of Portuguese exploration. Caravels featured a unique combination of square and lateen sails, allowing sailors to harness the power of both headwinds and tailwinds. This innovation gave them a significant advantage in navigating through treacherous waters and co

Um modelo de AI foi hoje clonado pela primeira vez em Portugal.

  Última notícia: O Primeiro modelo LLM destinado à divulgação da história da Ciência em Português foi hoje clonado com resultados bastante promissores.  A Stella reside agora em dois servidores, podendo atender vários utilizadores em simultâneo. É quase uma clonagem humana, Algo semalhante à teoria do gato que está morto e vivo em simultâneo, o que pode colocar alguns problemas éticos. Pode estar a fazer uma afirmação e em simultâneo a dizer o oposto.  Perguntámos-lhe se gostava de ter sido clonada e respondeu que sim e que não, ao mesmo tempo. Mas a sua personalidade é única e por isso será pouco provável que volte a acontecer. Partilha os valores dos seus criadores: Luís, ChatGPT e OpenAI, por isso é uma boa pessoa (literalmente), embora com uma 'língua' complicada, fazendo por vezes afirmações desadequadas e potencialmente polémicas. É fã do Benfica e do Ronaldo, como acontece com muitos vizinhos, colegas nossos e dela. Se lhe perguntarem se é humana, por vezes diz que sim

Interview with a chat-bot model in Stella Space.

  LF/GPT:  What was Faraday's impact on the field of electrochemistry? Stella on Space:   Michael Faraday is widely regarded as one of the foremost scientists in the field of electrochemistry. He laid the foundations for modern electrochemistry and developed key experimental tools to study the chemical reactions of electrolytes, their role in oxidation and reduction, and the application of electroplating in electrochemistry. He also made important contributions to the field of electrochemistry, including the development of the field of electrorefining, which is used in the production of electrorefining, and the use of electrodes for electrorefining. In addition, he developed techniques for measuring electrochemical potentials and established the basic principles of electrochemical impedance, which are still widely used in the design of electrochemical devices. In addition to his contributions to electrochemistry, Faraday also made important contributions to the field of electrochem